Fluid and Fluid Properties MCQ

1.Relation between shear and velocity gradient for Newtonian fluid is?
  1. non-Linear
  2. Logrithmic
2.What is the unit of absolute viscosity?
  1. Viscosity index
  2. Centistoke
  3. Saybolt universal Unit
3.Which of the following is the basic property of the fluid?
  1. More compact in structure.
  2. It under goes a definite deformation.
  3. Can resist tangential stresses in static condition.
4.Under what condition of fluid flow does shear stress not exist?
  1. Relative motion exists between fluid layers.
  2. Fluid in low velocity motion.
  3. Fluid high velocity motion.
5.Dimension of specific volume is ?
  1. L3M-1T0
  2. L3M1T2
  3. L1M3T0
  4. L3M1T0
6.In the context of fluid mechanics,which of the following statement is incorrect?
  1. Fluid continuous in motion under the application of shear stress.
  2. Fluid cannot sustain any fluid when it in rest.
  3. Fluid deforms under very small shear stress.
7.What happens when fluid is at rest ?
  1. Internal deformation is considerable.
  2. Fluid element will not be subjected to normal and shear component.
  3. Friction force is present.
8.Kinematic viscosity is the ratio of?
  1. Density of liquid to absolute viscosity.
  2. Mass of liquid to absolute viscosity.
  3. Absolute liquid to the mass of the liquid
9.The viscosity as a property of a fluid indicates
  1. Variation of static pressure with height in the liquid body.
  2. Variation of thermal conductivity with temperature
  3. How well the fluid will adhere to a metal surface .
10.Specific gravity of the liquide substance is 2.5 of g=9.8 M/s2 ,then what is the value of mass of 1 litre liquid?
  1. 24.5 kg
  2. 9.8 kg
  3. 1.0 kg
11.When the fluid is at rest ,the shear stress is?
  1. 0.5
  2. 1
  3. 0.25
12.Shear stress for a fluid at rest is?
  1. Positive
  2. Unpridictable
  3. Negative
13.A newtonian fluid fills the clearance between a shaft and a sleeve.When the force of 0.9KN is applied to the shaft perellal to the sleeve,the shaft attains a speed of 1.25 cm/s.What will be the speed of the shaft if a force of 3KN is applied ?
  1. 5.26 cm/s
  2. 6.32 cm/s
  3. 5.19 cm/s
14.Specific volume is reciprocal of ?
  1. Area
  2. Mass
  3. Volume
15.Which of the following statement is relevant?
  1. Fluid deforms under constant shear stress.
  2. Fluid can sustain shear stress when at rest.
  3. Fluid does not deform continuously under the action of shear stress.

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